Karingani Reserve, Mozambique

We are acting as the owner’s representative for three family offices to manage the investment for this 150,000Ha privately funded ‘big 5’ game reserve which shares a 72km border with the world-renowned Kruger National Park ecosystem.

Properties of this scale, diversity and quality are extremely scarce, both in Africa and globally, and has taken a decade in planning. The reserve forms part of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area and is a strategic buffer zone in the protection of at-risk wildlife species from illegal poaching.

At its foundation is a community joint venture that brings employment, clean drinking water, education and economic security to more than 5,000 people.

Planned and designed to world-class sustainability standards, it represents an unparalleled conservation-based hospitality investment opportunity that will deliver an authentic and exclusive experience underpinned by a robust constitution and management framework that is designed to protect the social, environmental and commercial interests of the project in perpetuity.

Photos courtesy of Craig Morrison

Natural & Social Capital Outcomes

Built Environment
  • 4 internationally recognised hospitality brands constituting 132 beds
  • 58 branded residences sold over a 20-year period
  • 1 community-owned lodge
  • Planned, designed, built and operated to world-class sustainability standards
Natural Capital
  • 150,000Ha protection zone
  • Strategic buffer zone to reduce poaching incidents
  • Wildlife population increases
  • Species reintroduction programs
  • 150km game fence installed
  • 600km of game driving tracks to be constructed or improved
Social Capital
  • 170 permanent local staff
  • Projected to grow to >1,000 permanent jobs
  • 70km pipeline to deliver clean drinking water to local communities
  • 38.7 tonnes of sugar beans produced in 2019 through Kurhula Partnership agricultural project